Thursday, October 9, 2014

Creative Computer Programming Project

Leave a comment below to link us to the Creative Computer Programming Project you developed with Scratch.

Include the following info ...
Your First and Last Name:
Scratch Project Title:
Project Type: game or story or animation or art or music or blow our minds

Leave a comment as soon as you can.  The URL you share will bring us to your most recent programming revision.

Please check out at least 5 student creations AND leave them some FEEDBACK.
Your feedback should be positive and constructive.

Some Legendary Examples from the Past
could your program makes this list some day?

Steven Waters
Legend of Zelda Meldey
Type: Music audio

Robert Moltrup
Laser Dodge

Julianna Mitchell
Pop the bubbles 
Type: Game

Steven Waters
Piano Music
Type: Music audio

Jerry Kotas
Three Player Checkers
Type: Game

Scratch - Project Beach Ball

Leave a comment below with the following:

Your name:
Project Title:
Your URL from Scratch:

You must upload your Scratch Program to the Scratch Website.  Then copy the URL and paste it below.

Name: Kaysie Wienicki
Project: Beach Ball

[noticed how I hyperlinker the words too ... like a bosss]

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I.T. Team Presentations - Peer Sharing

Your Team has done an excellent job of preparing your Team Information Technology Presentation. I would like to share your hard work with current and future students.

The purpose of this Post is to create a simple way to share your presentations.

The goal is to allow you to:

  • Use previous presentations of your IT Topic to enhance your presentations.
  • Refer to presentations you missed due to absence in order to complete your quiz.
  • Show future students the amazing quality of your work. [brag]
Leave a comment including the following information (1 comment per team):
IT Topic: write the topic title
URL: open your presentation, go to file, publish to web, copy url and paste here
Team Members: include first and last names
Year and Month: that you presented

Please add your presentation from earlier in the year too.

To view past presentations, just copy their URL (Universal Resource Locator) and paste it into your browser. But, you already knew that. (I hope)

Want some ideas from past students?

Blog-a-Difference Project

Blog Visitors – scroll to bottom comments and copy the URL of an interesting looking Blog Topic. Paste into a new tab in your browser. Check it out and please comment!
Students in my class - Read this entire post before beginning!

The purpose of this project is to encourage you to think more deeply about the world in which you live. The more you seek to understand the roots or history of the many wonderful and many troubling situations around us, the more you will appreciate the amazing diversity of the human spirit. The next step is for you to inspire curiosity and help others become more enlightened about our world. Remember that controversial issues often have evolved over generations and are engrained in cultures. Check these links OR Opposing Viewpoints for frequently debated and hot topics and great information sources. Embed an audio/video clip from (,,,, ...).  This post (in fact, the project) provides a way for all of us to share our blogs. Feel free to show off a little. The minimum expectations are below. I expect you to really take this project to the next level.

Comment to this Post and include:
Name: First name and last initial
Blog Title: The title or topic of the blog
Blog URL: the URL or web address of your Blog (hyperlink if you can)

Name: Mr. Turton
BLOG Topic: Leadership Course Blog

On your Blog you will be graded as follows:
1. Comment below - Add name, title, and url in a comment on this Blog Post (see above). You want people to leave comments on your Blog, so make the title and topic interesting. (x/10)
2. Formatting and style - Make it easily readable and add some interesting images, gadgets, color, unique formatting, audio, video, and general pizzazz to match your skill level (x/20)
3. Professionalism - Keep a clean appearance. Use appropriate language and topics. All content must be school appropriate. Check your spelling and grammar. (x/10)
4. Reference your sources - Cite the sources of your information using or use APA citation format. Each post needs its own citations unless it is 100% original words. (x/10)
5. Create at least 3 Posts - Each should be different and interesting, but still relate to the general Blog Topic. Each post needs to include some of your original thoughts and ideas. (x/30)
6. Comment Moderation - Accept at least 10 comments. Moderate your comments to prevent garbage from appearing on your Blog. Only accept clean and appropriate comments. {under settings, enable moderation always}. Encourage others to visit your blog. It helps to have an interesting titles for your Posts. (x/10)
7. Self-Evaluation - Copy this rubric and paste it into a Word document. (x10)
Project Total = XX/100 (please do the math)

Quiz 2 - Self Interest Video - Kahn Academy

The internet is filled with ways to learn about anything you are interested in.

This quiz is intended to show you one of the many useful sites that has tutorials for helping you learn on your own. Kahn Academy is very reputable and is being used by millions of people around the world to learn a huge variety of topics.


  • Log in at:
  • Follow the prompts and create an account.
  • Type a topic of interest in the search box.
  • Watch a video.

Leave a comment with the following:

  • Your Block #, first name, last name [xx/10]
  • First search word (example: business)  [xx/10]
  • Name of your first video topic (example: the business cycle)  [xx/10]
  • Link to the 1st video (example:  [xx/10]
  • Something interesting you learned, perhaps a surprise (example: The element of human emotion is critical to the business cycle. GDP (gross domestic product) and time, along with the "givens" of population growth and productivity improvement are pretty easy to understand. The human emotion piece is driven by some very complicated ideas.  [xx/10]
  • Name of 2nd video you choose to watch (may or may not be related to the first)
  • Reason you chose video #2. [xx/10]
  • Link to the 2nd video you choose to watch. [xx/10]
  • Something interesting from the 2nd video. [xx/10]
  • Self-evaluate. Replace the xx's [xx/10]
  • Your total score = XX/100

Hint: This quiz might take you more time than you have in a class. Therefore, I recommend making a Google Doc for yourself the build your Comment as you go. Then you can leave a complete comment that meets the criteria above.

Quiz 1 - 21st Century Survival Skills

Survival Skill
1 - Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
2 - Collaboration Across Networks & Leading by Influence
3 - Agility & Adaptability
4 - Initiative & Entrepreneurialism
5 - Effective Oral & Written Communication
6 - Accessing & Analyzing Information
7 - Curiosity & Imagination

Your Quiz (authentic assessment) is to leave a Comment that answers the questions below. Point values are in parenthesis. (Hint: You may want to create a Google Doc or Word Doc to compile your thoughts and analyze your information before leaving your comment. I suggest copying the requirements below into another doc to ensure you meet all the requirements. )

First Name, Last Initial (x/5)
A. Which Skill (# and name) are you going to discuss? (x/5)
B. Write a quote (Google it and find something thought provoking) that relates to the skill. (xx/10)
C. Explain something in this class that you might do to promote the development of the skill. (xx/25)
D. Identify a project or assignment in any other class you have taken or are taking that has directly or indirectly promoted one of the 7 Survival Skills. Give specific examples of why you feel this way. (xx/20)
Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (xx/20)
Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (xx/10)
Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (x/5)
Total Quiz Score = XX/100 (you do the math :0)